Very few surgeons in the world have had experience with all of the following refractive surgery procedures: radial and astigmatic keratotomy, keratophakia, keratomileusis, epikeratophakia, LASIK with 3 different microkeratomes, Chiron ACS, Chiron Hansatome, and Moria, Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with 5 different excimer laser systems, Alegratto,VISX 20/20, VISX STAR, Summit, and Autonomous Technology LADAR Vision tracking flying spot laser, Sunrise holmium laser for hyperopia, Opti-K thulium laser system for low hyperopia (Under FDA Study), Clear lens extraction for hyperopia, phakic intraocular lens implantation with the STAAR colamer lens for both myopia and hyperopia,and the Alcon Cachet anterior chamber lens (as part of the FDA study) correction of hyperopia with the VISX STAR.
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